Treatment of Skin Conditions:
In our practice, we combine the rich and historic teachings of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) together with modern botanical research on plants, extracts, and healing oils from around the world in order to optimize results for many different skin conditions.
Treatment Modalities:
• Herbal Medicine
• Topical Ointments, Creams, or Teas
• Diet & Lifestyle Counseling
• Organic Facials
• Acupuncture – which can be helpful when there is pain or severe itch as part of the picture, or when stress is causing flare-ups.
The Individual
The beauty of holistic medicine is its focus on the individual. Each person we see with psoriasis, for example, has symptoms, emotions, and a body constitution that is completely unique to them. One person may be overweight, restless, and anxious with widespread plaques of psoriasis that are itchy and uncomfortable. Another person may be thin, generally calm, and suffer from recurring sore throats. They may not be bothered by itching or other sensations on the skin at all, but really want to get rid of the lesions because they hate the way they look and feel. Both these people will be well-treated with Chinese Medicine, but both of them will be prescribed two totally different herbal formulas (and they may also be given different topical creams or ointments).